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As Seen On

This section is all about sharing where the page has been featured. Podcasts, interviews and more! Check out where we have been featured now!

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The Duke Lott Show

Appearing on 4th of September 2023, this was the first time the page featured on a podcast, and it was a marvellous debut. Check it out now on spotify! 

  • Spotify
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Bookish Love with Krystal

Appearing on 30th of January 2024, this was the second time the page featured on a podcast, and it was another great show! Check it out now on Spotify and YouTube 

  • Spotify
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The Coffee Shop Ramblings Blog

Appearing on 13th of March 2024, this was the first time the page featured on a brilliant blog! Check it out now in the link attached! 

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The Mount Kenya Times

Appearing on 12th of April 2024, this was the page's first time appearing in a newspaper! Click the link to check out the issue with the article about the page!

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Jessica Scachetti's Newsletter

Appearing May 2024, this was the page's first time appearing in a newsletter! Click the link to subscribe now! 

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Once Upon A Write

Appearing on the 22nd of May 2024, this was the page's third appearance on a podcast, and it was so much fun and an honour! Check it out on Spotify!

  • Spotify

Brainz Magazine

On the 10th of June Kathryn Holeton mentioned us in her brilliant interview she had with Brainz Magazine. It was a great surprise and opportunity. Go read the interview on their website or Kathryn's blog!

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Erin Curran's Website

In 2024, we were featured on Erin Curran's website on the features and blog parts! It was our second website and blog feature. Go check it out now!

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